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#1 MrSkavix



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Napisano 03 March 2015 - 18:06

Witam, mam idee.

Używam AdvancedRanks jako skryptu na rangi na czas.

Chciałbym, aby po wykonaniu np. komendy /sprawdz

Pokazywal do kiedy mamy owÄ… rangÄ™.


Craftserve to największy i najlepszy polski hosting serwerów Minecraft, jest solidny i tani więc go polecam

#2 Dzienny



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Napisano 03 March 2015 - 18:16

Wklej tutaj ten skrypt, zobaczymy co da się zrobić ;)



#3 MrSkavix



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Napisano 03 March 2015 - 18:24

# by Enter121
# for NextCraft

on load:
	send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f][v.1.0]&6 LADOWANIE " to console
	send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&5Advanced&aRanks&f by &5&lEnter121 for &2Next&7Craft" to console
	if folder "plugins/AdvancedRanks" doesn't exists:
		send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&c BRAK POTRZEBNYCH PLIKOW" to console
		send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&2 TWORZENIE POTRZEBNYCH PLKOW" to console
		create folder "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS"
on unload:
	send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&6 WYLACZANIE" to console
every 720 minutes:
        clear {_loopplayer::*}
        set {_loopplayer::*} to all files in "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/"
        loop {_loopplayer::*}:
                set {_nickname} to single value "nickname" get of "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%loop-value%"
                set {_dateofexpired} to single value "dateofexpired" get of "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%loop-value%"
                set {_datefromnow} to subtext of "%now%" between 0 and 5
                if {_datefromnow} is {_dateofexpired}:
                        execute console command "/pex user %{_nickname}% group set default"
                        send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] %{_nickname}% zostal zdegradowany do rangi default" to console
                        send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] %{_nickname}% zostal/a zdegradowany/a do rangi domyslnej" to all players
                        df "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%{_nickname}%.yml"
command /advrank <text> <text>:
	usage: &5&l/advrank <gracz> <ranga>
		if executor have permissions "advranks.promote" or "*" or "advranks.*":
			set {_ndate} to subtext of "%now%" between 0 and 5
			set "nickname" to "%argument 1%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set "rank" to "%argument 2%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set {_nday} to subtext of "%now%" between 0 and 2
			set {_nmonth} to subtext of "%now%" between 4 and 5
			if {_nmonth} is "1":
				set {_emonth} to "2" 
			if {_nmonth} is "2":
				set {_emonth} to "3" 
			if {_nmonth} is "3":
				set {_emonth} to "4" 
			if {_nmonth} is "4":
				set {_emonth} to "5" 
			if {_nmonth} is "5":
				set {_emonth} to "6" 
			if {_nmonth} is "6":
				set {_emonth} to "7"
			if {_nmonth} is "7":
				set {_emonth} to "8"
			if {_nmonth} is "8":
				set {_emonth} to "9" 
			if {_nmonth} is "9":
				set {_emonth} to "10"
			if {_nmonth} is "10":
				set {_emonth} to "11" 
			if {_nmonth} is "11":
				set {_emonth} to "12" 
			if {_nmonth} is "12":
				set {_emonth} to "1"   			
			set {_edate} to "%{_nday}%.%{_emonth}%"
			set "date" to "%{_nday}%.%{_nmonth}%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set "dateofexpired" to "%{_edate}%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			send "%player%: mianowal %argument 1% na %argument 2% na 1 miesiac" to console
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] %argument 1% zostal/a mianowany/a na %argument 2% na 1 miesiÄ…c" to all players
			execute console command "/pex user %argument 1% group set %argument 2%"
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&c Nie masz uprawnien" to player
command /advrankm <text> <text> <text>:
	usage: &5&l/advrankm <gracz> <ranga> <dzień.miesiąc>
		if executor have permissions "advranks.promote" or "*" or "advranks.*":
			set "nickname" to "%argument 1%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set "rank" to "%argument 2%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set {_nday} to subtext of "%now%" between 0 and 2
			set {_nmonth} to subtext of "%now%" between 4 and 5
			set "date" to "%{_nday}%.%{_nmonth}%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set "dateofexpired" to "%argument 3%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			send "%player%: mianowal %argument 1% na %argument 2% do %argument 3%" to console
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] %argument 1% zostal/a mianowany/a na %argument 2% do %argument 3%" to all players
			execute console command "/pex user %argument 1% group set %argument 2%"
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&c Nie masz uprawnien" to player
command /adv <text>:
	usage: &5&l/adv <reload/pomoc/info>
		if argument 1 is "pomoc":
			send "&a========================================================================================" to executor
			send "                                                        &f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]" to executor
			send "&a========================================================================================" to executor
			send "&5/advrank <gracz> <ranga> - ustawia rangÄ™ gracza na 1 miesiÄ…c" to executor
			send "&5/advrankm <gracz> <ranga> <dzień.miesiąc> - ustawia rangę do daty określonej w komendzie" to executor
			send "&5/adv reload - przeładowuje AdvancedRanks" to executor
			send "&a========================================================================================" to executor
		if argument 1 is "reload":
			if executor have permissions "advranks.reload" or "*" or "advranks.*":
				execute console command "/sk reload %script%"
				send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&c Nie masz uprawnien" to player
		if argument 1 is "info":
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] stworzony przez Enter121 dla &f[&2Next&fCraft]" to executor

I mam prośbę, mógłbyś od razu zmienić mi, że po wpisaniu /advrankperm dawało rangę na stałe? Proszę. Wiem, że dużo błędów, ale to nie mój skrypt.

#4 Dzienny



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Napisano 03 March 2015 - 18:30

# by Enter121
# for NextCraft

on load:
	send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f][v.1.0]&6 LADOWANIE " to console
	send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&5Advanced&aRanks&f by &5&lEnter121 for &2Next&7Craft" to console
	if folder "plugins/AdvancedRanks" doesn't exists:
		send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&c BRAK POTRZEBNYCH PLIKOW" to console
		send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&2 TWORZENIE POTRZEBNYCH PLKOW" to console
		create folder "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS"
on unload:
	send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&6 WYLACZANIE" to console
every 720 minutes:
        clear {_loopplayer::*}
        set {_loopplayer::*} to all files in "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/"
        loop {_loopplayer::*}:
                set {_nickname} to single value "nickname" get of "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%loop-value%"
                set {_dateofexpired} to single value "dateofexpired" get of "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%loop-value%"
                set {_datefromnow} to subtext of "%now%" between 0 and 5
                if {_datefromnow} is {_dateofexpired}:
                        execute console command "/pex user %{_nickname}% group set default"
                        send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] %{_nickname}% zostal zdegradowany do rangi default" to console
                        send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] %{_nickname}% zostal/a zdegradowany/a do rangi domyslnej" to all players
                        df "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%{_nickname}%.yml"
command /advrank <text> <text>:
	usage: &5&l/advrank <gracz> <ranga>
		if executor have permissions "advranks.promote" or "*" or "advranks.*":
			set {_ndate} to subtext of "%now%" between 0 and 5
			set "nickname" to "%argument 1%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set "rank" to "%argument 2%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set {_nday} to subtext of "%now%" between 0 and 2
			set {_nmonth} to subtext of "%now%" between 4 and 5
			if {_nmonth} is "1":
				set {_emonth} to "2" 
			if {_nmonth} is "2":
				set {_emonth} to "3" 
			if {_nmonth} is "3":
				set {_emonth} to "4" 
			if {_nmonth} is "4":
				set {_emonth} to "5" 
			if {_nmonth} is "5":
				set {_emonth} to "6" 
			if {_nmonth} is "6":
				set {_emonth} to "7"
			if {_nmonth} is "7":
				set {_emonth} to "8"
			if {_nmonth} is "8":
				set {_emonth} to "9" 
			if {_nmonth} is "9":
				set {_emonth} to "10"
			if {_nmonth} is "10":
				set {_emonth} to "11" 
			if {_nmonth} is "11":
				set {_emonth} to "12" 
			if {_nmonth} is "12":
				set {_emonth} to "1"   			
			set {_edate} to "%{_nday}%.%{_emonth}%"
			set "date" to "%{_nday}%.%{_nmonth}%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set "dateofexpired" to "%{_edate}%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			send "%player%: mianowal %argument 1% na %argument 2% na 1 miesiac" to console
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] %argument 1% zostal/a mianowany/a na %argument 2% na 1 miesiÄ…c" to all players
			execute console command "/pex user %argument 1% group set %argument 2%"
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&c Nie masz uprawnien" to player
command /advrankm <text> <text> <text>:
	usage: &5&l/advrankm <gracz> <ranga> <dzień.miesiąc>
		if executor have permissions "advranks.promote" or "*" or "advranks.*":
			set "nickname" to "%argument 1%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set "rank" to "%argument 2%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set {_nday} to subtext of "%now%" between 0 and 2
			set {_nmonth} to subtext of "%now%" between 4 and 5
			set "date" to "%{_nday}%.%{_nmonth}%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			set "dateofexpired" to "%argument 3%" in yaml file "plugins/AdvancedRanks/PLAYERS/%argument 1%.yml"
			send "%player%: mianowal %argument 1% na %argument 2% do %argument 3%" to console
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] %argument 1% zostal/a mianowany/a na %argument 2% do %argument 3%" to all players
			execute console command "/pex user %argument 1% group set %argument 2%"
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&c Nie masz uprawnien" to player
command /adv <text>:
	usage: &5&l/adv <reload/pomoc/info>
		if argument 1 is "pomoc":
			send "&a========================================================================================" to executor
			send "                                                        &f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]" to executor
			send "&a========================================================================================" to executor
			send "&5/advrank <gracz> <ranga> - ustawia rangÄ™ gracza na 1 miesiÄ…c" to executor
			send "&5/advrankm <gracz> <ranga> <dzień.miesiąc> - ustawia rangę do daty określonej w komendzie" to executor
			send "&5/adv reload - przeładowuje AdvancedRanks" to executor
			send "&a========================================================================================" to executor
		if argument 1 is "reload":
			if executor have permissions "advranks.reload" or "*" or "advranks.*":
				execute console command "/sk reload %script%"
				send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f]&c Nie masz uprawnien" to player
		if argument 1 is "info":
			send "&f[&5Advanced&aRanks&f] stworzony przez Enter121 dla &f[&2Next&fCraft]" to executor

I mam prośbę, mógłbyś od razu zmienić mi, że po wpisaniu /advrankperm dawało rangę na stałe? Proszę. Wiem, że dużo błędów, ale to nie mój skrypt.



Tutaj masz advrankperm, później jak będę miał czas to zrobię to sprawdzanie czasu i dodam do tego posta.


By zobaczyć linki musisz się zalogować lub zarejestrować



#5 MrSkavix



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  • MrSkavix

Napisano 03 March 2015 - 22:25


Potrzebuję już tylko to /rank czy tam /sprawdz

#6 Rafiok!



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Napisano 04 March 2015 - 06:26

Powiem ci źe, AZrank daje możliwości sprawdzania.

[+] Napisane z TapaTalka [+]

Jak dać like?





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Napisano 05 March 2015 - 09:28


A ja ci powiem że AzRank to gó**o za przeproszenie bo nie działa większości, niby pokazuje na zielono plugin a i tak nie działa.

50 > 100 > 150 > 200 > 250 > 300 > 350 > 400 > 450 > 500 > 600 > 650 > 700 > 750 > 800 > 850 > 900 > 950 > 1000


Pomogłem ? Kliknij (Lubię to) Nie bój się, nie ugryzę :D

#8 Rafiok!



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Napisano 05 March 2015 - 13:41

AZRank potrzebuje vault.

[+] Napisane z TapaTalka [+]

Jak dać like?





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Napisano 05 March 2015 - 13:47


Az taki niedoświadczony nie jestem żeby nie wiedzieć że potrzeba Vault, i tak nie działa wczoraj wgrywałem.

Zresztą Vault to podstawa serwera mi jest bardzo potrzebny do większości.

Użytkownik EXINEX edytował ten post 05 March 2015 - 13:48

50 > 100 > 150 > 200 > 250 > 300 > 350 > 400 > 450 > 500 > 600 > 650 > 700 > 750 > 800 > 850 > 900 > 950 > 1000


Pomogłem ? Kliknij (Lubię to) Nie bój się, nie ugryzę :D

Również z jednym lub większą ilością słów kluczowych: rangi, czasowe, pomocy