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Skrypt na czasowe bany wyciszenia bany bany ip itd

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#1 mich100



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Napisano 10 May 2014 - 12:51

Szukam skryptu na:

czasowy ban z możliwością dania różnych form czasu  oraz powód czyli np / tempban nick powód 10 s/m/h/d/mies 

czasowe wyciszanie graczy z powodem np /wycisz nick powód 10 s/m/h

bany na zawsze z powodem 

bany ip na zawsze z powodem

możliwość odbanowania odmutowania


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#2 KPM2003



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Napisano 10 May 2014 - 15:11

Czasowe bany:

[TAB]chat_prefix: <green>[BanCzasowy]
command /banczasowy [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
[TAB]permission: banczasowy.use
[TAB]permission message: {@chat_prefix}<red>Nie mozesz czasowo banowac
[TAB]usage: {@chat_prefix}<red>Uzycie: /banczasowy <nick> <powod> <czas> <jednostka: sekundy/minuty/godziny/dni/miesiace>
[TAB][TAB]if argument 4 is "sekundy":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]ban argument 1 due for argument 2
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 seconds
[TAB][TAB][TAB]unban argument 1
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 4 is "minuty":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]ban argument 1 due for argument 2
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 seconds
[TAB][TAB][TAB]unban argument 1
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 4 is "godziny":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]ban argument 1 due for argument 2
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 hours
[TAB][TAB][TAB]unban argument 1
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 4 is "dni":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]ban argument 1 due for argument 2
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 days
[TAB][TAB][TAB]unban argument 1
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 4 is "miesiace":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]ban argument 1 due for argument 2
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 months
[TAB][TAB][TAB]unban argument 1
[TAB][TAB][TAB]send "{@chat_prefix}<red>Nieodpowiednia jednostka czasu; dostępne: sekundy/minuty/godziny/dni/miesiace" to player


[TAB]{%player%.wyciszony} = false
[TAB]chat_prefix: <green>[WyciszanieCzasowe]
command /wycisz [<text>] [<text>] [<text>] [<text>]:
[TAB]permission: wyciszanie.use
[TAB]permission message: {@chat_prefix}<red>Nie mozesz wyciszac
[TAB]usage: {@chat_prefix}<red>Uzycie: /wycisz <nick> <powod> <czas> <jednostka: sekundy/minuty/godziny/dni/miesiace>
[TAB][TAB]if argument 4 is "sekundy":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to true
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 seconds
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to false
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 4 is "minuty":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to true
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 seconds
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to false
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 4 is "godziny":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to true
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 hours
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to false
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 4 is "dni":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to true
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 days
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to false
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 4 is "miesiace":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to true
[TAB][TAB][TAB]wait argument 3 months
[TAB][TAB][TAB]set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to false
[TAB][TAB][TAB]send "{@chat_prefix}<red>Nieodpowiednia jednostka czasu; dostępne: sekundy/minuty/godziny/dni/miesiace" to player
on chat:
[TAB]if {%player%.wyciszony} is true:
[TAB][TAB]cancel event
[TAB][TAB]send "{@chat_prefix}<red>Zostales wyciszony i nie mozesz pisac na chacie" to player

Banowanie na zawsze na nick i IP:

[TAB]chat_prefix = <green>[Ban]
command /zbanuj [<text>] [<text>]:
[TAB]permission: zbanuj.use
[TAB]permission message: {@chat_prefix}<red>Nie masz permisji do banowania
[TAB]usage: /zbanuj <typ: nick/ip> <nick>
[TAB][TAB]if argument 1 is "nick":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]ban argument 2
[TAB][TAB]else if argument 1 is "ip":
[TAB][TAB][TAB]ban ip of argument 2
[TAB][TAB][TAB]send "{@chat_prefix}<red>Niepoprawny typ bana; dostępne: nick, ip" to player

#3 PoweredDragon


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Napisano 10 May 2014 - 16:13


angielskiego jak sądzę trójeczka? Może dwója? A może jeszcze gorzej?...


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Poprawiłem błędy w jego skrypcie... I wyspacjowałem od razu :D

  • mich100 lubi to
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#4 mich100



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  • ShinjuHoshi

Napisano 10 May 2014 - 16:48


Dzięki kolego wielki plus dla Ciebie i oczywiście lajk :D


sprawdzę czy działa jak wrócę :P



nie działa są błędy :(

[18:25:42] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (, line 31: Wyciszanie:')

[18:25:42] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section. (, line 68: Banowanie na zawsze na nick i IP:')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 10: ban argument 1 by IP due to "%argument 2%"')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 seconds' is not a type (, line 11: wait argument 3 seconds')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 12: unban argument 1 by IP')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 14: ban argument 1 by IP due to "%argument 2%"')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 seconds' is not a type (, line 15: wait argument 3 seconds')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 16: unban argument 1 by IP')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 18: ban argument 1 by IP due to "%argument 2%"')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 hours' is not a type (, line 19: wait argument 3 hours')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 20: unban argument 1 by IP')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 22: ban argument 1 by IP due to "%argument 2%"')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 days' is not a type (, line 23: wait argument 3 days')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 24: unban argument 1 by IP')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 26: ban argument 1 by IP due to "%argument 2%"')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 months' is not a type (, line 27: wait argument 3 months')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 28: unban argument 1 by IP')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'Wyciszanie' (, line 31: Wyciszanie:')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] Starting a variable's name with an expression is discouraged ({%argument 1%.wyciszony}). You could prefix it with the script's name: {bany.%argument 1%.wyciszony} (, line 43: set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to true')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 seconds' is not a type (, line 44: wait argument 3 seconds')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 seconds' is not a type (, line 48: wait argument 3 seconds')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 hours' is not a type (, line 52: wait argument 3 hours')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 days' is not a type (, line 56: wait argument 3 days')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 months' is not a type (, line 60: wait argument 3 months')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] Starting a variable's name with an expression is discouraged ({%player%.wyciszony}). You could prefix it with the script's name: {bany.%player%.wyciszony} (, line 65: if {%player%.wyciszony} is true:')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'Banowanie na zawsze na nick i IP' (, line 68: Banowanie na zawsze na nick i IP:')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'chat_prefix = <green>[Ban]' is not an entry (like 'name : value') (, line 70: chat_prefix = <green>[Ban]')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 78: ban argument 1 by IP because "%arg 2%"')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Bukkit 1.7.2 R0.4 or later is required to ban players with a reason. (, line 80: ban argument 1 because "%arg 2%"')
[18:25:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Loaded 18 scripts with a total of 34 triggers and 22 commands in 12.22 seconds
[18:25:42] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Finished loading.

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#5 PoweredDragon


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Napisano 10 May 2014 - 20:37

Dobra. Poprawiłem. Teraz powinno działać xD Miał więcej błędów, niż się spodziewałem...

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#6 mich100



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Napisano 10 May 2014 - 20:49

dalej jest dużo błędów xD


[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'argument 1 due for' is not a type (, line 9: ban arg 1 due for argument 2')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 seconds' is not a type (, line 10: wait arg 3 seconds')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'argument 1 due for' is not a type (, line 13: ban argument 1 due for argument 2')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 seconds' is not a type (, line 14: wait argument 3 seconds')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'argument 1 due for' is not a type (, line 17: ban argument 1 due for argument 2')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 hours' is not a type (, line 18: wait argument 3 hours')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'argument 1 due for' is not a type (, line 21: ban argument 1 due for argument 2')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 days' is not a type (, line 22: wait argument 3 days')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'argument 1 due for' is not a type (, line 25: ban argument 1 due for argument 2')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 months' is not a type (, line 26: wait argument 3 months')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'Wyciszanie' (, line 30: Wyciszanie:')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] Starting a variable's name with an expression is discouraged ({%argument 1%.wyciszony}). You could prefix it with the script's name: {bany.%argument 1%.wyciszony} (, line 42: set {%argument 1%.wyciszony} to true')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 seconds' is not a type (, line 43: wait argument 3 seconds')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 seconds' is not a type (, line 47: wait argument 3 seconds')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 hours' is not a type (, line 51: wait argument 3 hours')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 days' is not a type (, line 55: wait argument 3 days')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '3 months' is not a type (, line 59: wait argument 3 months')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/WARN]: [Skript] Starting a variable's name with an expression is discouraged ({%player%.wyciszony}). You could prefix it with the script's name: {bany.%player%.wyciszony} (, line 64: if {%player%.wyciszony} is true:')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] can't understand this event: 'Banowanie na zawsze na nick i IP' (, line 67: Banowanie na zawsze na nick i IP:')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] 'chat_prefix = <green>[Ban]' is not an entry (like 'name : value') (, line 69: chat_prefix = <green>[Ban]')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] '1 by IP' is not a type (, line 77: ban argument 1 by IP because "%arg 2%"')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/ERROR]: [Skript] Bukkit 1.7.2 R0.4 or later is required to ban players with a reason. (, line 79: ban argument 1 because "%arg 2%"')
[21:26:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Loaded 1 script with a total of 1 trigger and 3 commands in 0.17 seconds
[21:26:32] [Server thread/INFO]: [Skript] Finished loading.

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#7 PoweredDragon


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Napisano 10 May 2014 - 20:55

@UP koleś. Ty w ogóle nie skorzystałeś z linku i nie pobrałeś drugi raz... To są te same błędy... Tylko o innej godzinie...

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#8 mich100



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Napisano 10 May 2014 - 20:56

@up pobrałem i wywala tylko 2 błędy mniej :/


wtedy wywalało 24 błędy teraz 22



prosiłbym Cię o poprawienie kodu skryptu bo są dalej błędy :(

Precyzja odpowiedzi zależy przede wszystkim od precyzji zadanego pytania.


#9 mich100



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Napisano 13 May 2014 - 13:40


Precyzja odpowiedzi zależy przede wszystkim od precyzji zadanego pytania.


#10 xMelancholic



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Napisano 06 June 2022 - 06:32

By zobaczyć linki musisz się zalogować lub zarejestrować

By zobaczyć linki musisz się zalogować lub zarejestrować

By zobaczyć linki musisz się zalogować lub zarejestrować

By zobaczyć linki musisz się zalogować lub zarejestrować

By zobaczyć linki musisz się zalogować lub zarejestrować