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Problem z prefixami PermissionsEx i Essentials

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#1 Filipkalin



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  • Filiq343#6591
  • Filiq343

Napisano 09 February 2018 - 19:25

Posiadam problem z prefixami z permissionsex'a i essentials'a na spigot'cie 1.12. Konkretnie gdy w configu essentials'a w odpowiednim dziale (essentials chat) zmieniam prefix, to on stale jest [default], nie chce się zmienić kolor nicku i pisania wiadomości. Ustawianie prefixu w pex tym bardziej nic nie zmienia.

Posiadam EssentialsX 2.0.1-b488 oraz PermissionsEx v1.23.4.

  Proszę o niezwłoczną pomoc, z góry dziękuję ;)

Użytkownik Filipkalin edytował ten post 09 February 2018 - 19:26


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#2 Katniss


    Twórca "Mrocznej klątwy"

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  • Katniss

Napisano 09 February 2018 - 19:29

Podaj configi obu pluginów.

Mapa Adventure mojego autorstwa - "Mroczna klątwa" v2.1 (Na wersję MC 1.13.2)
Questy, NPC, niestandardowe przedmioty, bossy, amulety, modele 3D, mana i wiele więcej! BEZ MODÓW!

Siege Settlements - coś lepszego niż typowy RTS - https://www.reddit.c...egeSettlements/

#3 Filipkalin



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  • Filiq343#6591
  • Filiq343

Napisano 09 February 2018 - 19:37

# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# |                   EssentialsChat                     | #
# +------------------------------------------------------+ #
# This section requires the EssentialsChat.jar to work.
  # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks.  Set to 0 to make all chat global.
  # Note that users with the "" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting.
  # Users with can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!)
  # Users with can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?)
  # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section."
  radius: 0
  # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
  # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
  # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki:

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  #format: '[{GROUP}] {DISPLAYNAME}: {MESSAGE}'
  #  Wlasciciel: '&4Wlasciciel {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
  #  Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
  # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.
config-version: 19
# Enable database support. Disabling database support switches
# zPermissions to its flat-file-based permissions store.
database-support: true
# Set to true if this server should be in read-only mode. Only valid when
# actually using a database. If set to read-only, the database account
# for this server should also be granted read-only permissions on
# zPermissions tables. (Not strictly required though.)
database-read-only: false
# Settings for database (if enabled). This used to be in bukkit.yml before
# Minecraft 1.12.
  username: us3r
  isolation: SERIALIZABLE
  driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
  password: passw0rd
  url: jdbc:sqlite:plugins/zPermissions/zPermissions.db
# Whether region-based permissions are enabled. Requires a region plugin such
# as WorldGuard or Residence. Setting this to false will save some processing
# if you use a region plugin but don't use region-based permissions. Has no
# effect if a region plugin is not present.
region-support: true
# Groups may have a group permission node automatically assigned to their
# members. This is the name of that permission node. It must be a string
# suitable for Java's String.format() with one argument: the group name.
# Omit or leave blank ('') to disable this feature.
# This may also be a list of strings to automatically assign multiple
# permissions.
group-permission: group.%s
# Similar to group-permission, but only applied to "assigned" groups (groups
# that the player is explicitly a member of, including the default group, but
# not any inherited groups).
# Omit or leave blank ('') to disable this feature.
# This may also be a list of strings to automatically assign multiple
# permissions.
assigned-group-permission: ''
# Set to false if you want your assigned-group-permission (above) to never
# include the default group.
assigned-groups-can-include-default: true
# The default group. Players that are not explicitly members of any group
# are considered members of this group.
default-group: Gracz
# Normally, membership in the default group is implicit, i.e. you are considered
# a member of the default group if you are not a member of any group. Setting
# this to true makes the membership explicit, writing out the default group
# membership to storage on login.
explicit-default-group-membership: false
# The default track. When the track name is omitted while using the /promote,
# /demote, /setrank, and /unsetrank commands, this is the track used.
default-track: default
# Directory where to load/store dumps. If this is not an absolute path, it
# will be interpreted as relative to the server root.
dump-directory: zPermissions-dumps
# Default timeout for temporary permissions, in seconds
default-temp-permission-timeout: 60
# Track definitions. Each key should be the name of the track. The value
# should be a list of group names in ascending order.
  - default
  - somegroup
  - someothergroup
# Name of the track used to determine a player's "primary group," a
# concept often used by other plugins via the native API or Vault. A
# player that does not have a track explicitly set via the
# /permissions .. player .. settrack command will use this track
# instead. Leave blank ('') to disable and use the highest-weight group
# as the primary group.
default-primary-group-track: ''
# If any problems occur while determining a player's permissions (e.g.
# SQLExceptions, network errors, etc.), kick the player. This may be more
# desirable to having the user have free reign with indeterminate permissions.
kick-on-error: true
# Only valid if kick-on-error is true. If a problem occurs while determining
# an op's permissions, then the op will only be kicked if this is true.
kick-ops-on-error: false
# Interval, in minutes, in which to automatically refresh permissions from
# the database. Set to a non-positive number to disable. Has no effect on
# the flat-file storage method. DO NOT SET IT TOO LOW. Otherwise you run
# the risk of refreshes overlapping or permissions changes inexplicably
# being "forgotten."
# Unless you have an external process modifying zPermissions tables, you
# should have no need to enable this feature! (And even then, its use is
# questionable...)
auto-refresh-interval: -1
# By default, the refreshes set by auto-refresh-interval are conditional.
# That is, the refreshes do not actually occur unless the data version
# number (found in the table named DATA_VERSION by default) is different.
# Set this to true if you wish to perform an unconditional refresh instead.
# (Prior to 1.1, the refreshes were always unconditional.)
auto-refresh-force: false
# Determines how inherited groups and assigned groups are resolved. When
# true, each assigned group is fully resolved (itself + all ancestors)
# before applying its permissions in assignment priority. (That is, groups
# are flattened before being applied.) When false, all assigned groups and
# their ancestor groups are treated as individual groups and are applied
# in "topological order." <

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opaque-inheritance: true
# Determines when to apply player permissions. If true, player permissions
# are interleaved with group-resolved permissions at every "level"
# (universal, world, region, region/world). If false, all player permissions
# are applied once all group permissions have been applied.
interleaved-player-permissions: false
# If true, rank commands will broadcast changes to admins by default.
# Otherwise, rank commands will broadcast to players with a custom
# permission, e.g. zpermissions.notify.promote, etc.
rank-admin-broadcast: false
# If region-support is enabled, this is the order in which region manager
# plugins will be detected. The first plugin detected will be used.
- WorldGuard
- Residence
- Factions
- Factoid
# If true, metadata resolution will follow group inheritence rules, exactly
# like permissions.
inherited-metadata: false
# If true, the Vault bridges included with zPermissions are used. If false,
# the bridges that come with Vault are used. Has no effect if Vault is not
# installed. The included ("native") bridges will almost always certainly
# be more advanced/featureful. However, the option to turn them off is
# provided should there be any compatibility problems.
native-vault-bridges: true
# If true, the Vault Chat API methods getPlayerPrefix() and getPlayerSuffix()
# will fall back to the player's primary group's prefix/suffix. Only matters
# if native-vault-bridges is true. This should be enabled if you use a
# chat formatting plugin that does not perform this fallback behavior
# itself.
vault-prefix-includes-group: true
# If true, the Vault Chat API methods getPlayerInfo*() will fall back to the
# player's primary group's metadata. Only matters if native-vault-bridges
# is true. This should be enabled if you use a metadata-using plugin
# that does not perform this fallback behavior itself. Note it will affect
# all Vault-using plugins.
vault-metadata-includes-group: true
# Affects the behavior of the Vault Permission playerInGroup() method. If
# true, playerInGroup() will only test against assigned groups. Otherwise,
# it will test against assigned groups and their inherited ancestor groups.
# Only matters if native-vault-bridges is true.
vault-group-test-uses-assigned-only: false
# Affects the behavior of the Vault Permission getPlayerGroups() method.
# If true, getPlayerGroups() will only return assigned groups. Otherwise,
# it will return assigned groups and their inherited ancestor groups.
# Only matters if native-vault-bridges is true.
vault-get-groups-uses-assigned-only: false
# Specify a totally customized player prefix. Use an empty string to disable.
# The following tokens in the format string are recognized:
# %p - The player's prefix/suffix
# %g - The player's primary group's prefix/suffix
# %a - The prefixes/suffixes of *all* the player's groups. Affected by
# vault-get-groups-uses-assigned-only above.
# %A - Same as %a, but the with the order reversed.
# To merge player and primary group prefixes/suffixes, you might set
# vault-player-prefix-format to '%g%p' and vault-player-suffix-format to
# '%p%g'
vault-player-prefix-format: ''
# Same as vault-player-prefix-format, but for the player's suffix.
vault-player-suffix-format: ''
# If true, any permissions/membership/metadata changes made through Vault
# are logged at INFO level. Otherwise, they are logged at FINE (debug).
log-vault-changes: false
# Enable debug logging.
debug: false
(I przepraszam mam zPermissions xd)

#4 Katniss


    Twórca "Mrocznej klątwy"

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  • Katniss

Napisano 09 February 2018 - 19:40

  #format: '[{GROUP}] {DISPLAYNAME}: {MESSAGE}'
Wywal '#' sprzed format i ten format w linijce nad nim.

Mapa Adventure mojego autorstwa - "Mroczna klątwa" v2.1 (Na wersję MC 1.13.2)
Questy, NPC, niestandardowe przedmioty, bossy, amulety, modele 3D, mana i wiele więcej! BEZ MODÓW!

Siege Settlements - coś lepszego niż typowy RTS - https://www.reddit.c...egeSettlements/

#5 Filipkalin



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  • Filiq343#6591
  • Filiq343

Napisano 09 February 2018 - 19:43


  #format: '[{GROUP}] {DISPLAYNAME}: {MESSAGE}'
Wywal '#' sprzed format i ten format w linijce nad nim.



# Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
  # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
  # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki: 
  format: '[{GROUP}] {DISPLAYNAME}: {MESSAGE}'
  #  Wlasciciel: '&4Wlasciciel {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
  #  Gracz: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
  # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.
o to chodziło?

Użytkownik Filipkalin edytował ten post 09 February 2018 - 19:44

#6 Katniss


    Twórca "Mrocznej klątwy"

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  • Katniss

Napisano 09 February 2018 - 20:15


# Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat.
  # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation.
  # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki: 
  format: '[{GROUP}] {DISPLAYNAME}: {MESSAGE}'
  #  Wlasciciel: '&4Wlasciciel {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
  #  Gracz: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&r {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}'
  # If you are using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read.
o to chodziło?


Tak, o to.

Mapa Adventure mojego autorstwa - "Mroczna klątwa" v2.1 (Na wersję MC 1.13.2)
Questy, NPC, niestandardowe przedmioty, bossy, amulety, modele 3D, mana i wiele więcej! BEZ MODÓW!

Siege Settlements - coś lepszego niż typowy RTS - https://www.reddit.c...egeSettlements/

#7 Filipkalin



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  • Filiq343

Napisano 09 February 2018 - 20:23

Tak, o to.

no to to nic nie zmieniło, oprócz tego, że [default] zmieniło kolor z szarego na biały ;p

#8 Katniss


    Twórca "Mrocznej klątwy"

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  • Katniss

Napisano 09 February 2018 - 20:38

Masz dobrze ustawione te prefixy? I dlaczego nie uzywasz PEx'a?

Mapa Adventure mojego autorstwa - "Mroczna klątwa" v2.1 (Na wersję MC 1.13.2)
Questy, NPC, niestandardowe przedmioty, bossy, amulety, modele 3D, mana i wiele więcej! BEZ MODÓW!

Siege Settlements - coś lepszego niż typowy RTS - https://www.reddit.c...egeSettlements/

#9 Flojd



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  • Flojd

Napisano 10 February 2018 - 07:03

Ja osobiscie w Pexie nigdy nie formatuje czatu dodaje tylko range np Gracz/Vip i w essentials tworze formatowanie dla tych grup

np: Gracz: '&8[&2{GROUP}&8] &f{DISPLAYNAME}&7: &f{MESSAGE}'
      VIP: '&8[&5{GROUP}&8] &f{DISPLAYNAME}&7: &f{MESSAGE}'


A w Pexie wyglada to tak dla przykladu :


      default: true
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.spawn



I poprostu tu w pexie mozesz dodac kolejne grupy i permisje np SVIP i wtedy w essentials tworzysz formatowanie dla tej grupy czyli SVIP bedzie mialo tak dla przykladu :

SVIP: '&8[&5{GROUP}&8] &f{DISPLAYNAME}&7: &f{MESSAGE}'


#10 Katniss


    Twórca "Mrocznej klątwy"

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  • Katniss

Napisano 10 February 2018 - 07:13

Ja osobiscie w Pexie nigdy nie formatuje czatu dodaje tylko range np Gracz/Vip i w essentials tworze formatowanie dla tych grup

np: Gracz: '&8[&2{GROUP}&8] &f{DISPLAYNAME}&7: &f{MESSAGE}'
      VIP: '&8[&5{GROUP}&8] &f{DISPLAYNAME}&7: &f{MESSAGE}'


A w Pexie wyglada to tak dla przykladu :


      default: true
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.spawn



I poprostu tu w pexie mozesz dodac kolejne grupy i permisje np SVIP i wtedy w essentials tworzysz formatowanie dla tej grupy czyli SVIP bedzie mialo tak dla przykladu :

SVIP: '&8[&5{GROUP}&8] &f{DISPLAYNAME}&7: &f{MESSAGE}'

Jeśli tak zrobił to musi usunąć '#' sprzed formatów grup. Bo to chyba jedyne, co miał tam źle.

Mapa Adventure mojego autorstwa - "Mroczna klątwa" v2.1 (Na wersję MC 1.13.2)
Questy, NPC, niestandardowe przedmioty, bossy, amulety, modele 3D, mana i wiele więcej! BEZ MODÓW!

Siege Settlements - coś lepszego niż typowy RTS - https://www.reddit.c...egeSettlements/

#11 Flojd



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  • Flojd

Napisano 10 February 2018 - 07:19

Tak to oczywiste ze # kasujemy i zamiast format dajemy nasza range VIP np. Ale w pexie musi usunac prefix jak ma bo wtedy sie gryzie z essentials dlatego odrazu podalem gotowy przyklad jak ma  w pex to wygladac

Użytkownik Flojd edytował ten post 10 February 2018 - 07:19


#12 Katniss


    Twórca "Mrocznej klątwy"

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  • Katniss#2260
  • Katniss

Napisano 10 February 2018 - 07:41

Tak to oczywiste ze # kasujemy i zamiast format dajemy nasza range VIP np. Ale w pexie musi usunac prefix jak ma bo wtedy sie gryzie z essentials dlatego odrazu podalem gotowy przyklad jak ma  w pex to wygladac

On nie używa PEx'a tylko jakiegoś innego pluginu, pisał na końcu wątku. ;)

Mapa Adventure mojego autorstwa - "Mroczna klątwa" v2.1 (Na wersję MC 1.13.2)
Questy, NPC, niestandardowe przedmioty, bossy, amulety, modele 3D, mana i wiele więcej! BEZ MODÓW!

Siege Settlements - coś lepszego niż typowy RTS - https://www.reddit.c...egeSettlements/

#13 Filipkalin



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  • Filiq343#6591
  • Filiq343

Napisano 10 February 2018 - 08:40

Flojd a mógłbyś wysłać screena swojego EssentialsChat?

Użytkownik Filipkalin edytował ten post 10 February 2018 - 08:40

#14 Gość_OzelotXDD_*

  • Gość

Napisano 10 February 2018 - 23:53

Jeśli wszystko dobrze skonfigurowałeś, a nie działa, doinstaluj Vault.
  • Katniss lubi to

#15 McEryyykPL



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Napisano 18 April 2018 - 21:35

Usun # przed grupami
nazwy rang przepisz z pexa bo to też ma znaczenie
Jak to nie pomoże pobierz vault

Ja osobiście preferuje prefixy w essentials

Użytkownik McEryyykPL edytował ten post 18 April 2018 - 21:36

#16 XxLeoPLxX



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  • LeoPL#5715
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Napisano 03 May 2018 - 21:11

Ściągnij Vault do wyświetlania Prefixów.

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